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Personal Branding Of Your Real Estate Postcards For Success
By: Bruce Rogat
One important part of branding is the image you yourself portray. Developing a likeable personal brand is essential for succeeding with your Real Estate Postcard Marketing. If you want to rise to the top of your particular farm arena, you need to first be able to sell yourself to your potential customers. Think about it. Would you rather do business with a person who smiles and comes across as friendly or with one who snarls and ignores you? The first impression a potential customer receives is from you. Make it a good one. How can you accomplish this? One: Become an expert source for Real Estate Information in your area. Two: Become a great communicator. Research shows communications skill is the top determinant for upward social and professional mobility. Three: Draft a marketing plan for yourself annually, and review it quarterly. Real Estate Postcards should be one of several media you are using. Newsletters, Newspaper Classified Ads, Craigslist, Internet Websites and Magazines can all bring you tremendous success. Include specific goals, strategies, action steps, and a timetable. Four: Develop an 'elevator speech." Within the time that it takes an elevator to travel one floor - about 60-seconds - be able to deliver a succinct description of what you do, how you do it differently, and the benefit it provides. Five: Build your Personal Sphere List. Make new business contacts and stay in touch with them. Most people with powerful brands have powerful friends. Six: Balance your individual style with clothing that will appeal to those you are trying to impress. Seven: Learn good business and social etiquette. Buy elegant personal stationery and send hand-written notes. Make sure your personal brand is used on everything. Note Cards, Stationery as well as all of your advertising pieces. Postcards, Newsletters, Magazines etc. Eight: Give something back. Giving your time, talent, and money to charitable causes is a brand-builder especially when it complements your brand strategy. Find a cause you are passionate about. Your personal brand is one of your greatest business assets. Put as much time and effort into it as you do in branding your company. In the end, if you can't sell yourself, you'll find it nearly impossible to sell your company..
Author: Bruce Rogat
Bruce is President of New Method, LLC. They specialize in printing Postcards for Real Estate Agents. He has worked with thousands of Realtors and mailed millions of Postcards in the past 30 years.
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Our Services such as real estate farming postcards have been used by Realtors for the past 32 years.
Every business needs someone to manage their Marketing. Whether you're a listing or selling agent, Real Estate Postcards can help run your company's marketing efforts. Real Estate Farming Postcards in Phoenix Realtor Postcards in Los Angeles and Realtor Postcards in Denver just plain work!
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790 Umatilla Street, Denver, CO , 80204 USA +1.702 837-6666 bruce@newmethodmarketing..com Copyright© 2022 Pepperdines New Method Marketing Inc
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